

发布时间:2021-11-26    来源:南海生态环境权益综合研究U团队

    SCI期刊《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology(海洋湖沼学报)》英文南海专辑开始接受投稿,ky棋牌官网实验室唐丹玲教授担任期刊专辑主编,欢迎广大专家、学者投稿。
    南海是西北太平洋最大的半封闭热带边缘海,蕴含丰富海洋资源,是连接太平洋与印度洋的海洋交通要道,在地缘政治和经济民生上都有十分重大的战略意义。因此召开南海地质构造特性,生物生态环境、海气相互作用与多尺度动力过程、地质构造及其演化、油气-水合物资源等研究具有重要的意义 。




    有兴趣在本期南海研究进展特刊上提交作品发表的作者可访问网站 ( 以获取更多信息;

    提交截止日期:2022 年 1 月 31 日
    预计出版日期:2022 年 8 月 31 日

    陈洋 博士
    电话:+86 532 8289 8754
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology面向全球,刊发与海洋和湖沼科研领域相关的水文、气象、地质、地貌、物理、化学、生物、工程、水产、养殖、环保、遥感、仪器等方面重要研究论文、特邀综述、新技术、新方法和评论性文章。2021年最新SCI影响因子是1.265,处于SCI的Q3区,Scopus数据库中CiteScore是2.4,地学领域高质量科技期刊分级目录T1区期刊,2019年开始进入《中国科研院文献情报中心期刊分区表》地学类2区。


      It is pleased to announce that Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (JOL) will publish a special issue on the Advances in Oceanography in the South China Sea. We cordially invite you to submit papers to this special issue focusing on recent advances in oceanography in the South China Sea.

      The South China Sea, the largest semi-enclosed tropical sea of the Pacific, is not only rich in marine resources, but also an important marine transportation link between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. It thus has great strategic significance in terms of geopolitics, economy and people’s well-being. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out research on the characteristics of the South China Sea in biological and ecological environment, air-sea interaction and multi-scale dynamic processes, geological structure and evolution, oil and gas-hydrate resources etc., which will provide a strategic support to maintain effectively the resources and rights of the South China Sea.

1. Topics & Guest Editors

Original research and review articles are solicited, including but not limited to the following topics:
(1)Characteristics of marine ecological environment in the South China Sea (SCS) and its response to marine dynamic processes;
(2)SCS multi-scale ocean dynamic process, air-sea interaction and prediction technology;
(3)SCS geomorphology, geological structure, sedimentary process and resource potential;
(4)SCS geopolitics, rights protection and strategic countermeasures research;
(5)Marine science instruments.

2.Guest Editors
Prof. TANG Danling (in chief): Remote sensing and environment changes
Prof. SUN Zhen: Marine geology, geomorphology and hazards
Prof. DU Yan: Oceanography, environment and air-sea interaction
Prof. LIU Dongyan: Marine biology, marine ecology and sediment
Prof. SUI Guangjun: International cooperation, geopolitics, maritime rights and interests

3. Submission

      All papers will be initially screened by the editorial office and the issue editors, and then sent out for peer-review in accordance with standard journal procedures. Authors interested in submitting their works for publication in this special issue should consult the website ( for more information.
      Before you submit your manuscript to the website, please read all applicable documents listed in the Instructions & Forms at the upper-right corner of the submit website (, and be familiar with all the requirements and policies specified by the journal. Please do not forget to select the “South China Sea” as the manuscript type during your submission to indicate that you are submitting to “The advances in Oceanography in the South China Sea” special issue.

4. Important dates

Deadline for submission: 31 January 2022
Expected publication date: 31 August 2022

5. Issue assistant (submissions and questions)

Dr. CHEN Yang
Tel: +86 532 8289 8754

      If you have any suggestions or questions about the special issue, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to receiving your submission! 

More information:


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